Lifting Weights for Women: Worth the Hype!
I’ve long been a proponent of the Hilaria Baldwin style of working out. I’m no scientist, but I’ve heard there are studies […]
Living the examined life
Living the examined life
Meditations on the practical know-how of home life, a prerequisite to education and the good life.
I’ve long been a proponent of the Hilaria Baldwin style of working out. I’m no scientist, but I’ve heard there are studies […]
Three years ago, I met a former personal chef who affirmed my desire to make my own salad dressings. She described with […]
Megan Madden of A Mother’s Lace
What happy circumstance to find a kindred spirit of bookish bent. Having found someone who shares passages from beloved books that you […]
I had fun compiling this list for Stella Maris. With an embarrassment of riches through the many streaming avenues, we can now […]
In an interview, I described travel as “the idol of our age.” Was I being hyperbolic? Always. However, such a description is […]
Do we create our own reality? Certainly not. There is abundant evidence that Things Are the Way They Are. We cannot wish […]
Years ago, I came across the daily schedule for the Missionaries of Charity, which Philip Kosloski outlines here. The sisters in Mother […]
Lauren Southern is making the rounds on the blog and podcast circuit discussing her divorce. Her story is being held up by […]
Writing last month about a Georgia mother arrested for letting her 10-year-old son walk less than a mile away from home, I […]