The myth of neutrality in women’s education
The modern line is that the true feminist values choice above all else. Whoever a woman wants to be, she can be […]
Living the examined life
Living the examined life
Thinking about childhood and forms of education past and present
The modern line is that the true feminist values choice above all else. Whoever a woman wants to be, she can be […]
When a woman begins a sentence with the words “the feminist in me,” a statement that is uncivil, inhumane, and unhelpful is […]
A six-year-old receiving a public-school education instructed a four-year-old that the goal of life is to stay close to grown-ups. She explained, […]
“The word priority came into the English language in the 1400s. It was singular. It meant the very first or prior thing. […]
Listen to the maxims of a culture and the values and aspirations become clear. Resounding words of wisdom still come to mind: […]